Graco Turbobooster Pad Replacement Is It Safe To Move My 3 Yr Old Son ( 35 Pounds) Into The Graco Turbobooster Seat???
Is it safe to move my 3 yr old son ( 35 pounds) Into the graco turbobooster seat??? - graco turbobooster pad replacement
A 5-point harness is safer. We have the Evenflo Triumph Advance, which faces the bow at 50 pounds, so right after my child's back up to 35 pounds (), regardless of age, we are going to hit up to 50 pounds about 6 to 7 years (old). They are too little for a 5-point harness until at least 6-7 years, but can be extended to 8 with a higher carseat.
He's belt in a car seat five point was.
What is your height? It is also important. I know you want to bring in the new headquarters, but a five-seater-point harness car is the safest and make every effort to as long as possible.
My 6 years old, is still in a five-point harness carseat and remain there until you reach the weight / size guidelines.
Atleats do not have 5 or 6 years old, sitting in a car seat, for now
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